Wednesday 19 January 2011

Working Format

Looking at interesting formats, Tim Wan used a particular format for one of his briefs submitted for the last module, the format allowed the end-user to pick up the documents as a booklet, but hidden inside was a poster format on the reverse and relied on a carefully placed slit that follows in the middle of the document. Stumbling again here I found some interesting type-based work by Working Format from across the Atlantic.

The piece of work below is a, to quote "A group poster and type specimen showcasing work from the students of the 2008/09 Type Media masters course in the Hague, Netherlands. Each project is shown in book format and unfolds to unveil an oversized poster highlighting various aspects of the students' projects." What drew me to this piece of work was mainly the typefaces on the reverse of the document and the print finish. The relationship between the design of the back and the information within the booklet works really well. I'd really enjoy having a flick through this.

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